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Anthurium - The best plant to buy for your bright light situations

Sometimes known as a ‘Flamingo flower’, anthuriums are a great addition to a space that receives bright light throughout the day. These plants are brilliant indoor house plants, as they bloom beautiful flowers regularly. Anthuriums are an attractive house plant to add to your indoor plant collection. These majestic plants are the best blooming colourful indoor house plants, as their flowers come in several different colours. These subtropical plants are identifiable by their gorgeous heart-shaped flowers and leaves.


Anthuriums have glossy leaves and colourful flowers

If you’re looking for a piece of the beautiful tropics in your home, anthuriums are your go-to. They have large glossy leaves and produce beautifully coloured blooms, ranging from a vibrant burgundy, red pink or white flowers, a perfect companion to your dark leafed indoor house plants. Anthuriums are great indoor house plants as they require minimal maintenance, and in turn, can produce flowers year-round.


Shop our brilliant range of colourful indoor house plants

These brilliant house plants are great to gift, as they are low maintenance and don’t require too much attention! They can give your special someone something beautiful to look at, with minimal care required. Their perky leaves and colourful blooms anthuriums are a perfect addition to your indoor plant shelfie and plant addiction. You can get your hands on this low maintenance indoor house plant, and shop anthuriums online now at Greener House, with fast local delivery and curbside pick up for your convenience.